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Holidays in Northern Italy

For a holiday in the mountains choose Northern Italy. An ideal choice for sporty families. Also for those who like to enjoy scenic views of both the sea and lakes.


Holidays on the Atlantic Coast

The turbulent waves of the Atlantic coast are a challenge for boaters. The sandy beaches are sometimes so wide that you will think you are in the desert. In the neighbourhood you will find beautiful towns and charming seaside towns.


Great deals for June

Do you have a family with small children who are not yet at school? Look to go on holiday out of season in June, the climate is great and the prices even better!Advantages of going in June A holiday outside the peak season has many advantages. In June the prices are a lot cheaper than July and August and it will be a lot quieter at the campsite or holiday park. In addition, during this period all facilities are open as usual and the kids can have fun with the entertainment team. So if you're not tied to just school holidays? Choose a holiday out of peak season! Here we have chosen the best destinations in June for you, suitable for families with young children.


Top campsites for the best price

Choose from our wide range of topcampsites destinations in Italy, France, Croatia, Spain, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia.


Easter Holidays

Easter is the perfect time to go on holiday because of the low prices and warm spring sun! You could choose to stay in a well furnished Mobile home or maybe a modern Apartment in the most beautiful areas Europe has to offer?


Small campsites in Italy

Italy is a great holiday destination with a wide range of campsites. We have selected the best small campsites in Italy for you!


Glamping in North France

France is a wonderful country to choose to take your well earned break.To experience the real France you do not have to drive all the way to the south, as Northern France has a lot to offer. Northern France offers nature in abundance and culture if you so desire, there is so much to see and do! For example the Vosges where you have the Alsace region within easy reach. The glamping campsites in Northern France are ideal for the children. The campsites beautiful pools and some have paddling pools for the little ones!


Glamping in France

France remains one of our favourite destinations. In southern France, there is something for everyone: there are mountains, the sea and everything else. And the weather is great! The south of France is a perfect glamping destination.


Glamping on Lake Maggiore

Lake Maggiore is the place to be if you're looking for that unique combination of beach and mountains.Swim against a backdrop of snowy peaks: Here you will always be taking pictures. A wonderful destination for your next Glamping holiday in Italy! Why not try our Country Lodgetent next year? This will provide plenty of fun for yourself and the children. Luxury camping with private facilities will give your holiday that little bit extra. What more do you want?


Glamping on the Adriatic Coast

Endless beaches, interesting and fascinating cities such as Venice and Ravenna. lovers and regular visitors to the Adriatic coast understand why it is the ideal choice to enjoy your glamping holiday here with the whole family!Rimini is highly recommended for families who are looking for a good beach destination in Italy. The beaches here are ideal for children and adults alike with amusements and fun activities such as sandcastle building competitions. After a long day by the sea, as the children sleep in the evening you can enjoy a drink outside of your luxury accommodation and admire the view!


Glamping in Tuscany

Tuscany is a stunning place. Tour through the beautiful patchwork landscape with its cypresses and country houses. At a Glamping campsite in Italy it makes it even more fun!Stroll through towns, gaze at cathedrals and museums, taste wines ... When you come back at the end of the day to your luxurious Glamping accommodation there is always so much to enjoy. Because Glamping means camping without hassle. With lots of luxury, comfort and private facilities.


Glamping on Lake Garda

Lake Garda is truly a beautiful destination, if you've been there before, there's a good chance you will want to return.Lake Garda has something special for everyone. Lovers of Glamping holidays will love it here! Lake Garda is beautiful with the largest lake in Italy, whether you prefer relaxing on the beach or walking along cliffs or the small towns, the possibilities are endless.


Glamping in Spain

Spain is a great holiday destination. Beautiful beaches, great food and beautiful towns. If you choose a Glamping accommodation, then you are sure that everyone will have a wonderful time.All the benefits of camping, but just a bit more luxurious, that's the advantage of a Glamping site. It will be beautiful outside, in the pool or on the beach and have lovely evenings in your luxury tents.


Glamping Italy

Do you like camping but want that added touch of luxury? Glamping is for you!


Top 10 campsites

The best campsites around...On the best campsites with Vacanceselect you will wake up to the sun, swimming pools, whirlpool baths and children's pools; all these can be found in the heart of these highly-rated campsites.


Holidays for two

If you want to enjoy your holiday as a couple, go in early or late season: our campsites and holiday parks found in this period an oasis of tranquility. Besides, you're in the low season often advantageous from delicious!City break or holiday in the countryside May, June and September excellent months to go on holiday together. For example, do you want to visit the beautiful nature or walk round a popular town? The temperatures are pleasant, and the traffic is much quieter making travelling and visits to the local area much easier. There are also plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors whether that be walking, playing sport or even just enjoying a good book close to your mobile home/tent. 


Top 10 Late summer holidays

For those who want to book a holiday in low season, we have specially selected a top 10 for you. Take advantage of low prices in the best campsites and holiday parks offered by Campingselection!Booking your holiday for the beginning/end of summer has many advantages. The prices are definitely cheaper and the campsites are always a lot quieter than high season. Temperatures in Italy, France and Spain often still average at 25 degrees! Don't miss out, book your late summer holiday now.


Top 10 Holiday Parks by the beach

Fancy a holiday on the beach? We have the finest holiday parks directly on the sea and we have selected our top 10 for you!Nothing is more beautiful than to be able to go the beach or take a swim or go surfing or any other water sports on the coast and having all these oppurtunities just a stone throw away from your accommodation. 


Top 10 campsites with best playgrounds

Most of the destinations that we offer are great to suit the needs of your children. On this page we wanted to select for you destinations with your children in mind with facilities such as: playgrounds, swimming pools with slides and water fun, miniature golf, rides and much more!In addition to all this they offer a varied entertainment programme run by animation teams who organize activities throughout the day , and in the evening offer shows, fashion shows and music for the whole family to enjoy.


Top 10 largest indoor pools

Do not want to be dependent on the weather to enjoy the good pools? We have campsites and holiday parks, which has some of the best and largest indoor swimming pools.The children will surely not get bored, because in many places there are slides and other activities. Also taken into account as well for the adults there is also the possibility of a few relaxing moments in the Jacuzzi. There are plenty of opportunities to get away from everyday stress.

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